Thursday, 27 April 2017

Adam And The Boys Season II

Dear friend,

If you've just stumbled upon this blog, welcome.

You may find it amusing that I'm calling you a "friend", in this case.

Oh, but in the words of Stanley Ong - my effervescent gay pal of 20 years - it's possible.

Stanley has once proclaimed to me that in this day and age, it is the norm to make friends, husbands, and the sperm donor to his amazing orifice out of mere strangers in just a matter of minutes.

My blog - Adam And The Boys Season II - is mainly inspired by Stanley who sees himself as a Sage.

"I am doing all the fucking legwork just for you, and giving you substance, girl," he said with a raised eyebrow the other night, when I talked about reviving my interest to blog.

I shudder to know what substance he will give me, but one thing is for sure. It won't be recommended reading material for those under 21. Or nuns of any age. 

This blog is termed Season II because in my late 20s and early 30s, I had been documenting the chronicles of my life with Stanley and Carl in Adam And The Boys (

This season, we have all grown up and are reaching, to our collective horror, the big four-O.

And so, the topics and issues we face could be different ("Rubbish lah! Will I ever magically stop having sex with age?!" Stanley challenged me over whatsapp after reading the first draft of this blogpost).

Well, we'll never know.

I'll just have to faithfully wait for Stanley and Carl to tell me about their meaningful lives, before telling you, my friend, all about them.

And hopefully, you too, will find some amusement in them.

Or as Stanley insists on this ending note, "once you're in, you'll never want to leave..."

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