Saturday, 25 May 2019

I'm back, betches

Dear Reader,

Wow, how time flies.

My last entry - announcing that I had to take up an overseas posting - was in October 2017.

Although for my sex bunny of a friend Stanley, his last entry was over the weekend.

But that's story for another day.

And yes, that day will come.

The day when I return to this blog with regular posts will come.

The day when I write about my besties Stanley and my dense friend Carl will come.

Right after I decided to come out of my shell to start blogging again, I texted Stanley.

"OMG," was his reply.

"I can't wait, bitch," he texted.

 "I will continue sleeping around just so I can supply you with fresh materials for your blog, and trust me, Adam, I too, will come."

I was too engrossed with my Netflix to further engage Stanley and press him for his definition of "fresh materials".

Let's not go there yet.

So here we are, renewing my blogging commitment because life is too short for me to stop blogging - which is something I truly like.

And as Stanley later agrees, life is too short to stop f***ing, which is something he truly likes.

It's a perfect match, Stanley reasons, obviously happy that he's back in the limelight and getting to read his escapades through me.

And for a start, just so we're all on the same page, here's where we last left off...

As at October 2017
- Stanley was retrenched and was, for once, looking for jobs rather than something else, online.

- Carl my dense friend had been feeling all sorts of weird - he was on one of his never-ending quests of bulking up and trying to look good, while battling what he felt was erectile dysfunction.

- J my partner of 15 years (as at October 2017), is newly in debt - but mainly because he bought himself another property. And we're still going strong despite our long-distance relationship.

As for me.

I've settled down in my country of posting. Learnt to adapt. Learnt to love the city I'm in.

As for my work, I no longer worry about learning to ride the bicycle.

Instead, I've come to the stage where I can now balance on the bike, and am enjoying the ride.

An act which I'm pretty certain is what Stanley does nearly every weekend.

I'll find out.

And you'll find out too.

Stay tuned.

Adam Lee

Adam's stories are based on real life events and inspired by real people

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